Monday, April 5, 2010

The Magnolia!

I'm back from my whirlwind trip to London and am pleased to say I got much accomplished, both in my research and in reconnecting with UK family members.

The jet lag is fading, thank goodness, and I am ready to leap into my regular life here, revising a manuscript and beginning work on a new book.

But, for today, we celebrate the wonders of the magnolia tree, especially this beautiful one that is in full bloom in my front yard. Once a year, we are treated to the splendour of its glorious blossoms and I was sad believing I would miss seeing it while in London. Imagine my delight at arriving home and finding this lovely scene! We will enjoy the tree's beauty for a few more days before the blossoms fall and cover the lawn like petals of snow.

Back soon with London photos.

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

Tan said...

Welcome home! Magnolias still seem exotic to my interior-girl eyes.