Friday, February 18, 2011

Primary Literacy Day! (Part 2)

Thank you to Renee Norman, Literacy Consultant for the Vancouver School Board, for inviting me to participate in the district Primary Literacy Day. It was a wonderful day, getting to meet all of the dedicated primary teachers and to share some time talking about children and books. (Did you know that Renee, in her other life, is a poet?)

I loved hearing poet and teacher, Shannon Stewart, talk about how she gets children writing poetry. She showed us some amazing samples of student work and also read some of her own clever poetry.

Marilyn Chapman was the third speaker of the day and she discussed new developments in the Primary Program and full day Kindergarten. Most importantly, she talked about the importance of play in early learning and literacy.

To find out more about these talented folks, please check out these links: Renee's book, Martha in the Mirror; Shannon's website; and Marilyn's UBC bio.

I believe that primary teachers do some of the most important work in the world. It was great to be in their company today.


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