Today marks the beginning of Spring Break in BC. Children and teachers have earned a well-deserved hiatus from their studies and will now enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating couple of weeks.
The weather in our part of the world is cooperating for the young holiday-ers. We have a lovely spring sun overhead and bright flowers blooming. In my neighbourhood, there are beautiful purple crocuses and sparkling white snow drops. The grass is turning from winter brown to green. And the robins are chirping!
I like to think that spring is the hopeful season, one that takes us out of the doldrums of winter and makes us feel alive and vibrant again.
If you are on holidays, have a wonderful time! Enjoy your days with the children in your life and take a few moments to look at nature together and observe the delightful, hopeful signs of spring.
(Apologies to those across the country who are still in throes of winter. Come for a visit!)